Course: Elective I
Course Title: Poetry from Chaucer to the Present Paper I- A
Course Title: Poetry from Chaucer to the Present
The paper, “Poetry from Chaucer to the Present” seeks to familiarize the students with the development of poetry over a vast period from Chaucer to the present. Therefore, the paper aims at studying certain poetic genres in relation to the chief tendencies and movements of the age. This is an attempt to acquaint the students with poetic forms, development of poetry and representative poets through the ages in the wider context of socio-cultural background of the time. The selected texts are to be studied for the poetic form, the poet's contribution to the age and their place/relation to the age/movement they represent. Being a paper of literature, more precisely of poetry, it aims at developing sensitivity of the learners towards life and all that surrounds it. It seeks to foster qualities such as understanding and appreciation of other cultures and ways of life. This enhanced ability of openness of mind shall help them to see beauty in life and the world around and to form a philosophy of their own.
1.To familiarize the students with the major representative poets of every age and movements therein.
2.To help them study different genres of poetry in the context of socio-cultural background of the age
Unit 1: Chaucer to the Metaphysical Poetry
a) Geoffrey Chaucer: “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales
b) Edmund Spenser: “Prothalamion”
c) John Donne: “The Canonization”
d) Andrew Marvell: “A Dialogue between The Resolved Soul and Created Pleasure”
Unit 2: Milton to the Age of Transition
a)John Milton: Paradise Lost, Book II
b)Alexander Pope: Essay on Man (Epistle I )
c)Thomas Gray: “Elegy Written in Country Churchyard” Unit
3: Romantic Revival to Pre- Raphaelite Poets
a)William Wordsworth: “Resolution and Independence”
P.B. Shelley: “Ode to the West Wind”
b)Alfred Tennyson: “The Lady of Shalott”
Robert Browning: “Andrea Del Sarto
c)D.G.Rosetti: “The Blessed Damozel”
Swinburne : “The Forsaken Garden”
Unit 4: Modernism and After
a)T. S. Eliot :“ The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
W. B. Yeats :“ A Prayer for My Daughter”
b)Siegfried Sasoon :“The Child at the Window”
W. H. Auden :“1st September 1939”
c)Dylan Thomas :“ Fern Hill”
Philip Larkin :“The Whitsun Weddings”
Craig Raine :“A Martian Sends a Postcard Home”
1.Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Harcourt College Publishers, Singapore.
2.Abrams, M.H. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition. OUP. 1971
3.Allott, Kenneth. The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse. Penguin books, England
4.Anderson J.J. (Ed): The Canterbury Tales: A selection of Critical Essays, Macmillan,Casebook Series,Tiptree (Essex),1974.
5.Auden, W.H. : Introduction- A selection from the Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson, New York, 1944
6.Beer, John: Wordsworth and his Human Heart, Macmillan Press Ltd., Lonndon,1978
7.Bennett, John. Five Metaphysical Poets. Cambridge University Press,U.K.
8.Bernard Richard, English Poetry of the Victorian Period 1830-1890, Longman
9.Bloom, Harold. (Ed.) Romanticism and Consciousness: Essays in Criticism. W.W. Norton & Co. 1970
10.Bloom,Harold. Romantic Poetry And Prose. Oxford University Press
11. Bloom,Harold, Trilling,Lionel Victorian Prose And Poetry. Oxford University Press
12.Bowden Muriel: A Reader’s Guide to Geoffrey Chaucer, Syracuse University Press,1964
13.Bowra, Maurice. The Romantic Imagination. OUP, London
14. Brettjames,Norman G. Introducing Chaucer. George G Harrap And Co Ltd
15.Brooks, Cleanth. Modern Poetry and the Tradition. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
16.Bush, Douglas: Introduction, Tennyson: selected Poetry, New York, 1951
17.Butt, John. The Augustan Age. London 1950
18.Butt, John. Wordsworth- Selected Poetry and Prose, OUP, 1964
19.Colins, A.S. English Literature of the Twentieth Century. University Tutorial Press Ltd, London
20.Coulton,G G. Chaucer and His England. Methuen Drama Great Britain
21.Cox, C.B. & Dyson, A.E. (ed.) The Twentieth Century Mind, Vol. 1-3. OUP, London, 1972
22.Daiches, David. Present Age. The Cresset Press, London
23.Daiches, David. A Critical History of English Literature, Vol. 1-4. Allied Publishers ltd., New Delhi.
24.Drew, Elizabeth. T.S. Eliot: The Design of His Poetry. Eyre &Spottiswoode Publishers Ltd., London
25.Durrant Geoffrey: William Wordsworth, Cambridge University Press, London,1969
26.Ellman, Richard.Yeats- The man and the Masks. Faber & Faber Ltd., London
27.Elsford E.: Four Hymns and Epithalamion, Oxford, 1967
28.Faulkner, Peter. Modernism. (The Critical Idiom Series). Methuen & Co. Ltd. London
29.Ford, Boris.(Ed.) The Pelican Guide to English Literature Vol. 1-8, Penguin Books, England.
30.Fraser, G.S. The Modern Writer and His World. Penguin Books, England.
31.Gardner, Helen, The Art of T.S. Eliot. Faber & Faber Ltd., London
32.Gardner, Helen (Ed.). The Metaphysical Poets, Penguin Books, England
33.Grierson & Smith. Critical History of English Poetry. Chatto&Windus, London
34. Grierson Herbert, The Poems of John Donne- Introduction and Commentary, The Macmillan Press Ltd, London,1973 35.Hamer,EnidMetres of English Poetry. Methuen Drama Great Britain
36.Hayward, John (Ed.).ThePenguin Book of English Verse. Penguin books, England
37.Hudson, W.H.: Gray and His poetry, London, George G. Harrp& Co.,1927
38.Hudson, W.H. Introduction to the Study of English Literature. George G. Harrap& Co. Ltd. London.
39.Hughes Richard E. 'The Progress of the Soul: The Interior Career of John Donne' , The Broadley Head, London,1969
40.Keast, W.R. Seventeenth Century English Poetry. OUP, London, 1962
41. Killham,John. Critical Essays on the Poetry of Tennyson. Routledge Chapman And Hall, London,1960.
42.Legouis, Emile &Cazamian, Louis. A History of English Literature. J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd. London
43.Lovelock Julian(ed.), Donne: Songs and Sonnets, A Casebook, The Macmillan Press Ltd, London,1973
44.Mahoney, John (Ed.) The English Romantics: Major Poetry & Critical Theory. D.C. Health & Co. 1978
45.Mipshi, Masoa. The Divided Self: A Perspective on the Literature of the Victorians. New York University Press.
46.Mukherji S.B. : The Poetry of Wordsworth,Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi,1976
47.Palgrave, F.T.: Golden Treasury of the Best Songs & Lyrical Poems in English Language, London, Oxford University Press, 1956 48.Parfitt, George. English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century. Longman, London.
49.Perkins David, History of Modern Poetry, (Vol I & II). Harvard University Press, 1987
50. Prasad,B. Background to the Study of English Litterature Macmillan And Co.
51.Preminger, Alex, Warnke, Frank J. & Hardison (Jr.), O.B. Princeton Encyclopaedia of Poetry and Poetics. The Macmillan Press Ltd, London
52.Rees, R.J. English Literature: An Introduction for Foreign Readers. Macmillan Education Ltd. London
53.Selincourt Ernest De(ed.): Introduction to the Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Oxford, 1929
54.Starr, Herbert W. : Twentieth century Interpretation of Gray’s Elegy, Englewood Cliffs, New jersey, Prentice hall, Inc.,
55.Tedlock E.W. (ed.): Dylan Thomas: The Legend and the Poet, Heinemann, 1960
56.Tindall W.Y.: A Reader’s Guide to Dylan Thomas, Syracuse University Press,1962
57.Upham,A.H. Typical Forms of English Literature. Oxford University Press
58.Ward, A.C. Twentieth Century Literature. ELBS & Methuen &Co. Ltd. London
59.White Helen C.: The Metaphysical Poets,Collier Macmillan Ltd.,1962
60.Williamson, George. A Reader’s Guide to T.S. Eliot. Thames & Hudson, London.
61.Willey, Basil, Nineteenth Century Studies, Chatto and Windus, 1964
62.Willey, Basil. The Seventeenth Century Background. Penguin Books, England.
1. Syllabus as per Choice Based Credit System
i) Name of the Program : M.A. English (Regular) Part II, Semester III, Elective I
ii) Course Code : PAENG301
iii) Course Title : Poetry from Chaucer to the Present
iv) Semester wise Course Contents : Enclosed the copy of syllabus
v) References and Additional References : Enclosed in the Syllabus
vi) Credit Structure : No. of Credits per Semester - 06
vii) No. of lectures per Unit : 15
viii) No. of lectures per week : 04
2. Scheme of Examination: 4 Questions of 15 marks each
3. Special notes, if any: No 4.
Eligibility, if any: No 5. Fee Structure: As per University Structure
Evaluation Pattern:
Internal Assessment (40 Marks):
Sr. No. Particulars Marks
1. One written assignment/research paper on the text suggested by the teacher for Internal Assessment- 10 Marks
Presentation on the written assignment/research paper. - 05 Marks
Viva voce based on the written assignment/research paper -05 marks
Total = 20 Marks
2. One Internal Test based on the syllabus (one out of three questions) 20 Marks
Semester End Examination (60 Marks):
Semester End Examination Duration: 2 Hours 60 Marks
Question 1: Essay on Unit 1 (one out of two) : 15 Marks
Question 2: Essay on Unit 2 (one out of two) : 15 Marks
Question 3: Essay on Unit 3 (one out of two) : 15 Marks
Question 4: Essay on Unit 4 (one out of two) : 15Marks
Note: Students’ answers must reveal sufficient knowledge of the historical, socio-cultural, and literary (movement, school of thought, ism, genre etc.) background of the age, prescribed text as well as of the author.
Course Title: Poetry from Chaucer to the Present Paper I- A
Course Title: Poetry from Chaucer to the Present
The paper, “Poetry from Chaucer to the Present” seeks to familiarize the students with the development of poetry over a vast period from Chaucer to the present. Therefore, the paper aims at studying certain poetic genres in relation to the chief tendencies and movements of the age. This is an attempt to acquaint the students with poetic forms, development of poetry and representative poets through the ages in the wider context of socio-cultural background of the time. The selected texts are to be studied for the poetic form, the poet's contribution to the age and their place/relation to the age/movement they represent. Being a paper of literature, more precisely of poetry, it aims at developing sensitivity of the learners towards life and all that surrounds it. It seeks to foster qualities such as understanding and appreciation of other cultures and ways of life. This enhanced ability of openness of mind shall help them to see beauty in life and the world around and to form a philosophy of their own.
1.To familiarize the students with the major representative poets of every age and movements therein.
2.To help them study different genres of poetry in the context of socio-cultural background of the age
Unit 1: Chaucer to the Metaphysical Poetry
a) Geoffrey Chaucer: “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales
b) Edmund Spenser: “Prothalamion”
c) John Donne: “The Canonization”
d) Andrew Marvell: “A Dialogue between The Resolved Soul and Created Pleasure”
Unit 2: Milton to the Age of Transition
a)John Milton: Paradise Lost, Book II
b)Alexander Pope: Essay on Man (Epistle I )
c)Thomas Gray: “Elegy Written in Country Churchyard” Unit
3: Romantic Revival to Pre- Raphaelite Poets
a)William Wordsworth: “Resolution and Independence”
P.B. Shelley: “Ode to the West Wind”
b)Alfred Tennyson: “The Lady of Shalott”
Robert Browning: “Andrea Del Sarto
c)D.G.Rosetti: “The Blessed Damozel”
Swinburne : “The Forsaken Garden”
Unit 4: Modernism and After
a)T. S. Eliot :“ The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
W. B. Yeats :“ A Prayer for My Daughter”
b)Siegfried Sasoon :“The Child at the Window”
W. H. Auden :“1st September 1939”
c)Dylan Thomas :“ Fern Hill”
Philip Larkin :“The Whitsun Weddings”
Craig Raine :“A Martian Sends a Postcard Home”
1.Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Harcourt College Publishers, Singapore.
2.Abrams, M.H. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition. OUP. 1971
3.Allott, Kenneth. The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse. Penguin books, England
4.Anderson J.J. (Ed): The Canterbury Tales: A selection of Critical Essays, Macmillan,Casebook Series,Tiptree (Essex),1974.
5.Auden, W.H. : Introduction- A selection from the Poems of Alfred Lord Tennyson, New York, 1944
6.Beer, John: Wordsworth and his Human Heart, Macmillan Press Ltd., Lonndon,1978
7.Bennett, John. Five Metaphysical Poets. Cambridge University Press,U.K.
8.Bernard Richard, English Poetry of the Victorian Period 1830-1890, Longman
9.Bloom, Harold. (Ed.) Romanticism and Consciousness: Essays in Criticism. W.W. Norton & Co. 1970
10.Bloom,Harold. Romantic Poetry And Prose. Oxford University Press
11. Bloom,Harold, Trilling,Lionel Victorian Prose And Poetry. Oxford University Press
12.Bowden Muriel: A Reader’s Guide to Geoffrey Chaucer, Syracuse University Press,1964
13.Bowra, Maurice. The Romantic Imagination. OUP, London
14. Brettjames,Norman G. Introducing Chaucer. George G Harrap And Co Ltd
15.Brooks, Cleanth. Modern Poetry and the Tradition. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
16.Bush, Douglas: Introduction, Tennyson: selected Poetry, New York, 1951
17.Butt, John. The Augustan Age. London 1950
18.Butt, John. Wordsworth- Selected Poetry and Prose, OUP, 1964
19.Colins, A.S. English Literature of the Twentieth Century. University Tutorial Press Ltd, London
20.Coulton,G G. Chaucer and His England. Methuen Drama Great Britain
21.Cox, C.B. & Dyson, A.E. (ed.) The Twentieth Century Mind, Vol. 1-3. OUP, London, 1972
22.Daiches, David. Present Age. The Cresset Press, London
23.Daiches, David. A Critical History of English Literature, Vol. 1-4. Allied Publishers ltd., New Delhi.
24.Drew, Elizabeth. T.S. Eliot: The Design of His Poetry. Eyre &Spottiswoode Publishers Ltd., London
25.Durrant Geoffrey: William Wordsworth, Cambridge University Press, London,1969
26.Ellman, Richard.Yeats- The man and the Masks. Faber & Faber Ltd., London
27.Elsford E.: Four Hymns and Epithalamion, Oxford, 1967
28.Faulkner, Peter. Modernism. (The Critical Idiom Series). Methuen & Co. Ltd. London
29.Ford, Boris.(Ed.) The Pelican Guide to English Literature Vol. 1-8, Penguin Books, England.
30.Fraser, G.S. The Modern Writer and His World. Penguin Books, England.
31.Gardner, Helen, The Art of T.S. Eliot. Faber & Faber Ltd., London
32.Gardner, Helen (Ed.). The Metaphysical Poets, Penguin Books, England
33.Grierson & Smith. Critical History of English Poetry. Chatto&Windus, London
34. Grierson Herbert, The Poems of John Donne- Introduction and Commentary, The Macmillan Press Ltd, London,1973 35.Hamer,EnidMetres of English Poetry. Methuen Drama Great Britain
36.Hayward, John (Ed.).ThePenguin Book of English Verse. Penguin books, England
37.Hudson, W.H.: Gray and His poetry, London, George G. Harrp& Co.,1927
38.Hudson, W.H. Introduction to the Study of English Literature. George G. Harrap& Co. Ltd. London.
39.Hughes Richard E. 'The Progress of the Soul: The Interior Career of John Donne' , The Broadley Head, London,1969
40.Keast, W.R. Seventeenth Century English Poetry. OUP, London, 1962
41. Killham,John. Critical Essays on the Poetry of Tennyson. Routledge Chapman And Hall, London,1960.
42.Legouis, Emile &Cazamian, Louis. A History of English Literature. J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd. London
43.Lovelock Julian(ed.), Donne: Songs and Sonnets, A Casebook, The Macmillan Press Ltd, London,1973
44.Mahoney, John (Ed.) The English Romantics: Major Poetry & Critical Theory. D.C. Health & Co. 1978
45.Mipshi, Masoa. The Divided Self: A Perspective on the Literature of the Victorians. New York University Press.
46.Mukherji S.B. : The Poetry of Wordsworth,Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi,1976
47.Palgrave, F.T.: Golden Treasury of the Best Songs & Lyrical Poems in English Language, London, Oxford University Press, 1956 48.Parfitt, George. English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century. Longman, London.
49.Perkins David, History of Modern Poetry, (Vol I & II). Harvard University Press, 1987
50. Prasad,B. Background to the Study of English Litterature Macmillan And Co.
51.Preminger, Alex, Warnke, Frank J. & Hardison (Jr.), O.B. Princeton Encyclopaedia of Poetry and Poetics. The Macmillan Press Ltd, London
52.Rees, R.J. English Literature: An Introduction for Foreign Readers. Macmillan Education Ltd. London
53.Selincourt Ernest De(ed.): Introduction to the Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Oxford, 1929
54.Starr, Herbert W. : Twentieth century Interpretation of Gray’s Elegy, Englewood Cliffs, New jersey, Prentice hall, Inc.,
55.Tedlock E.W. (ed.): Dylan Thomas: The Legend and the Poet, Heinemann, 1960
56.Tindall W.Y.: A Reader’s Guide to Dylan Thomas, Syracuse University Press,1962
57.Upham,A.H. Typical Forms of English Literature. Oxford University Press
58.Ward, A.C. Twentieth Century Literature. ELBS & Methuen &Co. Ltd. London
59.White Helen C.: The Metaphysical Poets,Collier Macmillan Ltd.,1962
60.Williamson, George. A Reader’s Guide to T.S. Eliot. Thames & Hudson, London.
61.Willey, Basil, Nineteenth Century Studies, Chatto and Windus, 1964
62.Willey, Basil. The Seventeenth Century Background. Penguin Books, England.
1. Syllabus as per Choice Based Credit System
i) Name of the Program : M.A. English (Regular) Part II, Semester III, Elective I
ii) Course Code : PAENG301
iii) Course Title : Poetry from Chaucer to the Present
iv) Semester wise Course Contents : Enclosed the copy of syllabus
v) References and Additional References : Enclosed in the Syllabus
vi) Credit Structure : No. of Credits per Semester - 06
vii) No. of lectures per Unit : 15
viii) No. of lectures per week : 04
2. Scheme of Examination: 4 Questions of 15 marks each
3. Special notes, if any: No 4.
Eligibility, if any: No 5. Fee Structure: As per University Structure
Evaluation Pattern:
Internal Assessment (40 Marks):
Sr. No. Particulars Marks
1. One written assignment/research paper on the text suggested by the teacher for Internal Assessment- 10 Marks
Presentation on the written assignment/research paper. - 05 Marks
Viva voce based on the written assignment/research paper -05 marks
Total = 20 Marks
2. One Internal Test based on the syllabus (one out of three questions) 20 Marks
Semester End Examination (60 Marks):
Semester End Examination Duration: 2 Hours 60 Marks
Question 1: Essay on Unit 1 (one out of two) : 15 Marks
Question 2: Essay on Unit 2 (one out of two) : 15 Marks
Question 3: Essay on Unit 3 (one out of two) : 15 Marks
Question 4: Essay on Unit 4 (one out of two) : 15Marks
Note: Students’ answers must reveal sufficient knowledge of the historical, socio-cultural, and literary (movement, school of thought, ism, genre etc.) background of the age, prescribed text as well as of the author.
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